Discussion: Resolutions or Goals for Aging Services Providers?

I found advice from Forbes, dated December 31, 2018, that I believe is spot on about setting 2022 new year's resolutions, and it goes like this, "This year, set goals instead of resolutions."  

This got me thinking about the differences between a resolution and a goal.

Resolution:  A firm decision to do or not do something.  The action of solving a problem, dispute or contentious matter.

Goal:  A person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

I don't know about you, but "resolve" seems to imply something that I have to "gear up" emotionally, physically, and otherwise to do, or not do.  Seems to me that this is how we have all been living for the last two years.   "I resolve to show up to work, again, to take care of my residents, because who else will?"  "I resolve to have a positive attitude."  We have all needed an abundance of resolve, and this is not likely to change in 2022.

A goal seems to carry a more positive view.  Whether formally stated, or just in the back of our mind, a goal is something we want to achieve. 

Now here is the rub for me- I think goals can be overused and become arduous when they are set in the trees and not for entire forest.  I've seen goals that read something like this, "50% of the applications for employment received in Q1 will progress to an interview."  This is an arbitrary goal that the person being measured does not have 100% control, and that is frustrating.  

Goal setting can easily get complicated, but it shouldn't be.  Goals should be simple and smart.  I'd like to offer a launch point for Aging Services providers to consider for 2022 goal setting.  

What is THE most critical success factor for your organization in 2022?  

Did your mind quietly whisper, "stabilizing my workforce?"  

I've attended no less than six webinars and read countless articles on this topic, and the time is now for aging services providers to get back to basics and focus on the most important aspect of your operation- your employees.  Set simple and smart goals around this primary success factor for 2022 and create a plan with your team to achieve success.





Here is a list of previous blogs to spark creative thought around workforce development and stabilization:

Steps to Employee Engagement

Retention is Where It's At

Tips for Employee Retention

Career Path for Direct Care Workers

Download REVEAL Aging  White Paper



We can help you establish a plan to engage and retain your workforce.  

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AGE-u-cate extends our warmest wishes for reset and success in 2022 for everyone!




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