Culture Change - It Runs Deep

Culture ChangeI use the term inside-out a LOT. It just seems to fit many descriptives for me. I also like transformative change. When you look at these together, I believe that so much of what we are doing as educators in the elder care field should be focused on helping organizations bring about inside-out changes that lead to transformation or deep culture change. I love the work being done through such organizations at Pioneer Network, Leading Age, Eden Alternative and so many others that have stepped up to create out of the box initiatives and thinking. It's not an easy task, but I'm privileged to be a part of this movement and work alongside organizations across the country who are taking bold steps in person-centered care. It's exciting, challenging, sometimes daunting - but the efforts of just one person can have exponential effects across an organization. Hats off to all of those who are blazing new trails!

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