Helping Caregivers through Fear and Anxiety of Dementia

It's frightening to care for someone you don't understand.  People living with dementia (PLWD) are themselves often filled with fear and anxiety and express themselves in ways that are difficult for others to comprehend.   For a family member or professional who is helping  persons who are themselves trying to cope with the cognitive changes going on in their brains, it is a domino effect that carries over to care partners. Fear, anxiety, guilt, and feeling very frustrated in not having the tools to better communicate and respond to  stress reactions leave caregivers feeling helpless. 

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Bridging Staff Dementia Training and Outreach Dementia Education

It's no surprise that the long term care sector has experienced declining occupancy and census due to COVID-19.  The best marketing and sales efforts couldn't compete with a worldwide pandemic.  But the tide is turning and if we've learned anything during this time -is that creativity is king, education is powerful and experiences change how people think, feel and act (because we've been missing these!).  Dementia education and awareness is critically needed in our communities.  Let's talk about how we can bridge dementia staff training with meeting marketing and sales goals by providing a solution to the pent-up demand for impactful dementia education from our local communities.   

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Stopping elder abuse starts with reducing caregiver stress

Caregiver Stress Can Lead to Elder Abuse








The National Institute on Aging states, "abuse can happen to anyone-no matter the person's age, sex, race, religion, or ethnic or cultural background.  Each year, hundreds of thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused, neglected, or financially exploited.  This is called elder abuse.  

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The Experience Changes Us

Caregivers Hungry for Effective Experiential Dementia Training

The toll of COVID induced loneliness and isolation on our elders is still in research phase and will be for some time to come.  Caregivers, too, have carried a heavy burden.  Professional and family caregivers have endured equal if not greater effects of this long running pandemic.  In addition to the fears surrounding the virus itself, as studies are released, we will be able to capture just how deep and wide the emotional burden has been to those caring for PLWD (persons living with dementia).  

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Why Quality of Life Training is a Must for Direct Care Workforce

Millions of older adults and people living with disabilities rely on the direct care workforce, and the numbers are growing at an enormous rate every single day.  Sadly, we have undervalued the importance of the direct care workforce and ill prepared the critical need to provide  quality of life and quality of care training.  It's time to change the paradigm.

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Celebrating Older Americans Month - Communities of Strength

Communities-of-Strength-1-400x340Each May, the Administration for Community Living champions the national observance  of Older Americans Month.  "Communities of Strength" is the theme for 2021.

I can think of no other time in that this theme could be more appropriate as we have witnessed one of the most challenging years in history.  Older Americans have proven to be our source of wisdom, strength, perseverance and a model of overcoming difficulties.   And I will add that the communities that support older adults have risen to the challenges of creating new ways to engage and build even stronger communities in the face of unprecedented challenges brought on by a global pandemic.

The health and well being of older adults, especially is grounded in connecting with others.  It is paramount to the health and well-being of everyone, but especially as we age. 

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Time for Solutions: Aging Services Workforce Development


Aging Services providers are screaming from the mountain tops about the workforce crisis.   Could it be that policy makers are finally listening?

The workforce crisis is about the inability of aging services providers to fill open positions and the lack of competitive wages.

Most definitely,  a hopeful headline announced President Biden's plan investing billions to build an aging services workforce.  

The Value of Excellence in Elder Care

The time is right to seriously discuss the value of quality Elder Care in the United States.  In addition, it is imperative that we intensify  advocacy for improvements to strengthen services and supports for consumers.  Moreover,  we must enhance jobs for 4.6 million home care workers and nursing assistants.

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