3 Strategies to Level Up Your Caregiver Training


                                                  In my last blog, I discussed the steps to prolong your caregiver training program, focusing on sustainability. Now I want to take our discussion one step further to level up your caregiver training. 

We've covered a lot through the past 5 blogs, so you've taken in a whole lot of information and now we're wrapping it up with the icing on the cake. You can download the E-Book that gives you all this great information in one source for an overview of our discussion.  

The key to bringing your caregiver training and education to the next level is extending beyond the internal walls of your organization. 

Leverage the hard work, time, and energy your team put into building a practical training and education program by introducing the same learning experiences to family caregivers and your wider local community. 

When an organization invests in advocacy through education, the benefits are endless. If you've just had a light bulb moment, keep reading!

When thinking about how to further engage caregivers in your organization and the community at large, think about how to connect these dots. 

  • Extend training to include education on your organization's culture

  • Offer training beyond your staff as a community education initiative

  • Invest in a partner that supports education as well as training

Let's briefly review each connecting dot. 

The key to bringing caregiver training and education to the next level is extending beyond the internal walls of your organization.  


Extend Training to be Part of Your Organization's Culture

If one of your company's core values is loyalty, reward caregivers who complete training over a year with an extra incentive. 

This helps to establish a culture of recognition and personal development, as well as rewarding loyalty, which feeds back into the core value. In addition, commitment over time (and with good training) facilitates upward mobility into management and leadership roles. 

Offer Training Beyond Staff as a Community Education Initiative

You've already got a great training program. Now put it to use on a larger scale. This can help develop a family caregiver training program that you can offer as a free service, a precursor to a move-in or prospective client. 

Apply the same concepts to your partners and other businesses in your area for referral and community engagement. With 53 million family caregivers in the US, odds are, you'll have no shortage of people in need. 

Offering complimentary quality education and training provides community-facing education opportunities creating bridges for continued organizational growth. 

Invest in a Partner that Supports Education as well as Training

It can be very time-consuming to create and develop your caregiver training curriculum that includes vital education components essential to moving from knowledge to skill-building to skill use. Organizations can realize high ROI by utilizing dedicated partners that know the space well. 

With the time, resources, and understanding of your needs, a partner in training can:

  • Listen to your needs and incorporate education to support training goals. 

  • Accommodate nuances and customizations for your company.

  • Provide resources for ongoing evaluation and development.

  • Offer guided implementation that walks leaders through training with useful, easy-to-digest tools and resources.  

AGE-u-cate is uniquely positioned to meet your organization's training needs by providing these unique benefits. 

Learn about AGE-u-cate







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