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Journey into Eldercare

I truly enjoy hearing stories about how people have made their way into the world of eldercare.  Many were inspired by experiences with older adults when they were young, and such is the case for me.

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There's Just Something About Aging Services People

I just returned from spending two days in Columbus, OH at the Ohio Healthcare Association Conference with my AGE-u-cate colleague V'Ann Guiffre.   I now realize how much I have missed interacting in person with "my people."  There is just something about people that work in Aging Services!  I won't do justice in explaining what I mean, but you know, there is just something there.   

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Learn the The ABC of Compassionate Communication

I'm delighted to share that our Australian Master Trainer, Sue Silcox has authored and published a book - The ABC of Compassionate Communication.  Sue is passionate about helping people become empowered through learning, practice, support, and self-care.

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Senior Care Professionals - Are you a Passionate Leader?

PASSION trumps all.  I was recently told this by a well respected CEO of a very successful company in the senior care industry.   As I witness the growth of our business I can attest to the fact that many of the clients we work with are passionate in their drive to go above and beyond in serving their residents, customers, families and communities.  Those who work in and with our company have a passion in improving lives for older adults and their care partners.

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