Posts about:

elder care

Staff Vaccination Challenge in Aging Services

One of my favorite statements in the movie, "The Fellowship of the Ring" is, "What is this new devilry?"  Such is the question asked by many Aging Services leaders as they face the next slam with the pandemic- staff vaccination.  Some employees vaccinated willingly, some begrudgingly, and others not at all. 

How can providers encourage vaccination compliance and ultimately retain their workforce?

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Remembering William (Bill) Keane: Always the Teacher

There will be a wonderful gathering of Aging Services professionals on Saturday, August 21 in Chicago to celebrate the life of our friend, colleague, and passionate advocate for dementia capable care, William Keane.  Bill is one of the many mentors who shaped my philosophies and personal mission in eldercare, and I am honored to be one who will share how Bill continued to teach me, even in the later stages of dementia. In Bill's honor, I would like to share a snippet, because it is a reminder to all of us that wisdom still lives inside a person with dementia.

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Stopping elder abuse starts with reducing caregiver stress

Caregiver Stress Can Lead to Elder Abuse








The National Institute on Aging states, "abuse can happen to anyone-no matter the person's age, sex, race, religion, or ethnic or cultural background.  Each year, hundreds of thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused, neglected, or financially exploited.  This is called elder abuse.  

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The Experience Changes Us

Caregivers Hungry for Effective Experiential Dementia Training

The toll of COVID induced loneliness and isolation on our elders is still in research phase and will be for some time to come.  Caregivers, too, have carried a heavy burden.  Professional and family caregivers have endured equal if not greater effects of this long running pandemic.  In addition to the fears surrounding the virus itself, as studies are released, we will be able to capture just how deep and wide the emotional burden has been to those caring for PLWD (persons living with dementia).  

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Time for Solutions: Aging Services Workforce Development


Aging Services providers are screaming from the mountain tops about the workforce crisis.   Could it be that policy makers are finally listening?

The workforce crisis is about the inability of aging services providers to fill open positions and the lack of competitive wages.

Most definitely,  a hopeful headline announced President Biden's plan investing billions to build an aging services workforce.  

The Value of Excellence in Elder Care

The time is right to seriously discuss the value of quality Elder Care in the United States.  In addition, it is imperative that we intensify  advocacy for improvements to strengthen services and supports for consumers.  Moreover,  we must enhance jobs for 4.6 million home care workers and nursing assistants.

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Creating a Sustainable Culture of Compassion

I have to be direct in asking - isn't this every elder care community's goal?  After all, we should be in the compassion business, and sustainability is the hot topic today.  Creating a sustainable culture of compassion - makes sense right?

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