Posts about:

aging services (2)

Touch is a Touchy Subject in Eldercare

Human beings need the connection of touch for wellbeing. Expressive Touch is possible and necessary, even during a pandemic.

The pandemic has made us all wary of getting too close to others, and rightly so.  Shivers might run down your spine thinking about touching someone not related to you.

Touch, meaning holding a hand, offering a hug or a warming shoulder rub.  Can we?  Should we?  Touch, is a touchy subject these days, after all.

People express their fatigue with pandemic-style living.  How many times have you heard, "I'm so over it"?

Imagine how over it elders who live in elder care communities must feel?  Separated from family and friends for a year with a profound absence of expressive touch in their lives.

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Case Study: Compassionate Touch at Presbyterian Senior Living


Presbyterian Senior Living offers love, connection and comfort to their elders by creatively keeping Compassionate Touch moving forward during the pandemic.

AGE-u-cate honors the wonderful work at  Presbyterian Senior Living (PSL), based in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania.

Alicia Fenstermacher, PSL Corporate Director of Purposeful Living and AGE-u-cate Certified Master Trainer shared how PSL keeps resident and employee well-being front and center during the pandemic with Compassionate Touch.

Since 2015, Compassionate Touch is integrated into the culture of care and service at PSL. They have over 230 certified Compassionate Touch Coaches, and  989 trained caregivers.

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Reading2Connect: Innovative Programming for Persons with Dementia


Elders experience active engagement and initiation, a renewed interest in the world and desire to learn. Their past areas of expertise and passions are rekindled.

Innovative programming for persons living with Dementia is taking  a significant step forward.

Reading2Connect is an integrated reading program for persons with cognitive changes.  Adapted books help them to express their individuality, recall their pasts, share humor, and emotionally connect with peers, family, and caregivers. 

The ability to read is automatic and often remains to some degree functional even in the later stages of dementia.

Specially designed books break through the barriers to reading,    sparking older adults with dementia abilities to reflect, remember, learn, and express themselves.

Revive the minds, voices, and self-esteem of the older adults in your care

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid commissioned a study with residents in 40 nursing homes about the meaning of quality
of life. Independence, positive self-image and purposeful activities that produce or teach something ranked high on the list.

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Aging Services Future Focus

On the brink of a new decade, I contemplate what the next ten years will look like for the aging services industry. Reflecting on the past provides me some hope for the future. In some respects, we have come a long way.  By the same token, we should maintain a future focus and continue to develop more strategies that support the quality of living of frail elders.

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