5 Practices for Honoring and Celebrating Caregivers this Holiday Season

The stakes are different as the holidays arrive, especially in year #2 of the pandemic. While carols are playing, there are emotional minefields at every bend, especially for caregivers. This holiday season is a weary one for healthcare workers in the hospital setting to those serving in long-term care services. 

For many, the holidays are a time of celebration and gatherings, but let us not forget those working tirelessly amid unprecedented staffing shortages and the sudden surge in COVID cases.

Research consistently reports that caregivers report much higher stress levels than the average person; it is a certainty that CNAs, PSWs, nurses, and other caregiving staff feel the additional strain of the holidays. Their professional burdens often transfer to their personal lives, leaving a domino effect of anxiety to entire families.

What can we do to honor and support caregivers this holiday (and always)?

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Reminiscing Can Enhance a Family Visit

10 Holiday Tips for Reminiscing with Persons Living with Dementia

'Tis the Season for connecting with family and friends, and for some will be the first in-person visit in a very long time. For others, it might be long-distance communications, and now thanks to technology, there are many ways in which we can be more engaged than ever. I want to talk about the importance of reminiscing, especially with persons living with dementia.

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The Employee Experience in Aging Services

Five Steps to Begin Elevating Your Employee Experience

For years, aging service providers have focused on the resident or patient experience. But, with staffing shortages at dangerous levels, leaders are quickly shifting their priorities. After all, the resident or patient experience is only as good as those providing care.  

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Time to Plan Your 2022 Restart

Starting Over Again is Not that Bad - Here's Why!

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the new year. Of course, I always look forward to dreaming of new adventures, possibilities, and the opportunity to open a new chapter. But, I've got to be perfectly honest. I'm REALLY looking forward to 2022!

I'm guessing that most of you who are reading this, no matter where you fall in the aging services spectrum, would have to agree the last umpteen months have been a doozy!

What I don't want to do is belabor the point. In fact, I'm not even going to bring up anything about what we've been through because that's all we've been talking about for far too long!

Starting all over again is not that bad...because when you restart, you get another chance to make things right.

When we restart, we put things in a new perspective, learning lessons from the past. But, when we look through a different lens, the ideas and creativity that start flowing are incredible! We've had the opportunity at AGE-u-cate to do just that. We decided late last year that we would look beyond the circumstances beyond our control and put our innovative heads together to do things better.

Don't let Fear and Uncertainty Stop You.

Being Stuck is about the most frustrating feeling in the world. Getting UNSTUCK is exciting. It means you are moving forward, even if in baby steps. Taking small steps is often hard for me, but thanks to a great team, they remind me that it's sometimes essential - and I'll be doggone - they are right! When we embarked on our Reveal Aging Micro-learning initiative, we had to talk with our partners, garner feedback, and take the time necessary to do it right.

Failure is Part of the Process.

Failure is NOT the opposite of success. It's a part of Sucess! How many times have you gotten off the ground with a new program or initiative only to hit a brick wall? Probably more times than you can count. As we know, things happen that are out of our control, and sometimes we don't think things through. It's Okay. Start again, and learn from your mistakes.

Stay Focused, and Keep your Eye on the End Game.

If you are in aging services, you have a mission, and it's an important one. What better work to do than that which has a higher calling? Is it easy? No. Can you solve all the challenges that lie ahead of you? Of course not. Can you make a positive difference in the lives of others? You bet, and that's where you need to keep your eye set.

We need to look ahead to all that we can do better in 2022. Right around the corner lies a world of possibilities for all of us to work together and make a difference in the lives of those whom we serve.

Let's Press Restart! Refocus and Get Started because 2022 is right around the corner - thank goodness!

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Lessons in Music, and Life

With all due respect Len King, I never knew you were this cool!  You see, my high school band director (late 1970s) directs the Arizona Swing Kings Jazz Orchestra, and is still inspiring musicians to perform at the top of their game.   He is also the founder of the Chicago Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra, back in the day.

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Staff Development and Retention: Coincidence or Confirmation?

Part of my responsibility as the VP of Grant Initiatives is to track the progress of Compassionate Touch® and Dementia Live® online coach training for the nursing homes that are participating in our Civil Monetary Penalty Grant (CMP) projects.  We have amassed an impressive list of nursing home staff in Ohio , Minnesota, North Carolina and Tennessee who have completed online training to become Compassionate Touch® and/or Dementia Live® coaches.

After months of reviewing training reports, this week I noticed something other than the number of new coaches, and that is the number of coaches since 2019 who are still with their facility.  

I need to preface by saying that this information has not been confirmed by participating facilities, but each time an email bounces back to me- the name is scratched off my list.  In Ohio, 99/124 Compassionate Touch® and 76/106 Dementia Live® coaches appear to be reachable with the same email address used to enroll in coach training, indicating retention of 79% and 71% respectively.

Admittedly, there is likely a margin of error in these numbers, but assuming a -10%, these numbers are impressive, considering the massive turnover that has occurred during the pandemic.  

Employee Engagement and Retention

While the recipe for retention is far more involved than just providing staff education, I believe I am justified in believing the human resource investment that these participating facilities made in Compassionate Touch® and Dementia Live® training may have contributed to the retention of these coaches.  Many of these coaches are still in touch with me and share their excitement about starting up training again.  

 National Commission for Quality Long Term Care, 2007

 Public Policy and Aging Report, 2017

 National Institute of Health, 2021

The above studies reveal that the reasons for voluntary separation include many factors, but lack of quality training and education, feeling ill-prepared, and absence of professional growth were consistent factors. 

Compassionate Touch® and Dementia Live® coach training is high quality, relevant and fills knowledge gaps that move the ill-prepared to a place of confidence and competence.  These programs are also utilized as career ladder opportunities in many organizations, and that number is growing.

Everyone should take a moment and think of your accomplishments over this past year- I am sure there are many.  For me,  taking stock that perhaps our work at AGE-u-cate® has helped to in some way to keep employees engaged and retained is very rewarding.

AGE-u-cate   Programs Overview




Ready to Address your Staff Education Needs?





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