How and Why Impactful Bridge Building with Family Caregivers Opens Doors

Caregivers are one of the most unheard and underserved groups in our society. Growing at exponential rates, they struggle with isolation, loneliness, and adverse health consequences at a much higher rate than the general population.
Caregiving is a demanding, ever-changing journey. Just ask anyone who has been there.
According to a 2020 AARP report, 53 million Americans are currently unpaid caregivers. That's one in five people providing care to an adult or child with special needs at some time in the last 12 months.
Each year, more than 16 million Americans provide more than 17 billion hours of unpaid care for family and friends with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. In 2019, these caregivers will provide an estimated 18.5 billion hours of care.
Because of severe staffing shortages across the aging services continuum, family caregiving burdens are growing in complexity and severity, especially for those caring for persons living with dementia. For more on family caregiving
How can providers build meaningful and impactful bridges with family caregivers?
- First, create opportunities for conversation, whether in person or via Zoom. Caregivers often need an empathetic ear.
- Second, offer education that will empower skill-building and coping skills.
- Third, focus on developing a trusting relationship. Caregivers need an outlet other than family members with which to share and seek answers.
- Fourth, help caregivers break down frustration barriers, a common challenge for those who care for persons with dementia.
- Finally, seek experiences that will provide unforgettable moments of extreme learning and knowledge building.
What are the benefits to you, as aging service providers, when you invest in family caregivers?
- You create a reputation as an organization that genuinely cares not just about persons living with dementia but for the families of those caring for loved ones.
- You are living out the principles of a person-centered care culture by including families as a core component.
- You contribute to the health and well-being of entire families and communities by integrating education and support into your outreach efforts. No marketing efforts can match the value of organic relationship building.
Prioritizing quality dementia care education for families and the community at large will build bridges, open doors, and create opportunities for quality partnerships and referrals. You have to seek out quality programming that support you with the necessary tools to effectively create a top-notch outreach education tool for families who provide care for loved ones with dementia.
We invite you to schedule a demo today to see how AGE-u-cate Training Institute's Dementia Live® can provide a quality solution to your outreach education efforts.