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Senior Care Professionals (3)

The Perpetual Now: Living in This Moment While Living in the Past

As a parent or caregiver, you likely have been asked, “When is dinner?” or “Do I have to do that now?” Sometimes the questions are perpetual and never ending. We are living moment to moment, but there is always a feeling of what is next. If you have been a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, there is another challenge of living in the present while thinking about the past.

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To Renew and Recover: How Big is Your Boat?

For those coping with the direct effects of COVID-19, finding ways to renew and recover has been challenging. Even as the vaccine begins to be administered, it does not ease the immediate stress of  those still working to manage COVID-19 and its effects. There is still much to get through before life can truly be better.

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A Traffic Jam and A Quarantine: When Will We Be In the Clear?

Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? Traveling on the road, either for work or vacation, and slowly you start seeing the red tail lights of the cars in front of you. Then, traffic comes to a complete stop. You might have to wait 15 minutes, an hour, or longer. It depends on the accident in front of you.

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Gifts of the Season: The Best Ones Keep On Giving

It happened every year during the holiday season. My classmates and I would dress up in our coats, hats, and gloves, with gifts in hand. We would walk down the street to the nearby nursing home. When we arrived, we were put into a room with residents and staff members.

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