The dictionary describes a sphere a place or environment within which a person or thing exists; a particular social world or stratum of society. How does this relate to how we approach society's challenges on caring for our seniors?
Topics: The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, Aging in the Workplace
Ageism is defined as prejudice or discrimination on the basis of someone's age. Civic and business leaders across the globe are accelerating "age friendly - dementia friendly" initiatives. The explosive growth of worldwide population marching quickly toward old age is forcing change in virtually every area of society. Cities are redesigning transporation systems, public centers and revamping outdated services. At the same time, business leaders are turning toward experts to achieve productive workplace teams made up of 4 or 5 generations. Health and long term care is turning toward technology and how to train and retain the workforce needed to provide services for today's elders that at a growing clip will be among the largest oldest group we have ever witnessed - centenarians.
Topics: Aging in the Workplace, aging, ageism
Can you picture this? Just the thought of it sends chills up my spine! But that's exactly what a caregiver recently expressed to me. Trying to juggle a demanding job, her mother's stubborn behavior about accepting help, complicated family situations, and keeping her marriage in tact through this all was taking it's toll. As she described what if felt like, I could picture her words, and thinking about so many of the other caregivers I help who feel this exact same way.
Topics: Aging in the Workplace