Grief During the Holiday Season: Making It Through

This year has been a challenging one to say the least. Grief over lost time with loved ones in long-term care is understandable. Also, not being able to say goodbye to a loved one due to quarantine restrictions certainly causes pain and anguish. The holiday season can amplify these feelings.

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Caregiving in COVID-19: Honoring Caregivers Through Policy Changes

Last week’s blog looked at caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most part, choices for caregiving for a loved one in long-term care or at home has been difficult. It is never easy under the best circumstances. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the challenges faced by caregivers, both formal and informal. This week, we review situations faced by caregivers and potential policies that could help alleviate the caregiving burden.

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Tough Choices from Tender Hearts: Caregiving During a Pandemic

About a month ago, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidelines that advocate family visitors to return to nursing homes. At this time only three states are not allowing visits. The guidelines provide specifics on how to visit a family member while remaining safe. Unfortunately, it still means making tough choices between a resident's mental and physical health.

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People with Dementia: Wanting to Be Anywhere but Here

In reading news or blogs online, you can find people expressing one of two opinions. Some people express a desire to go back to the time before COVID-19. Others note feeling restless until COVID-19 is over. It’s as though we want to ‘be’ somewhere else. It is natural that we feel lost. We feel we have limited or no control. We are prohibited from doing what we would like to do.  Reflecting on these valid feelings, it is easier to understand how people with dementia must feel on a daily basis.

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