Elevating Human Connection: How Hospice Organizations Use Compassionate Touch to Build Community

Recently I had the pleasure of connecting with Alena Dailey,  Integrative Arts Manager for  Hospice of the Chesapeake while hosting AGE-u-cate's quarterly chat for Compassionate Touch® coaches.  Have you ever connected with someone and instantly felt a sense of comfort?  Like you've known this person forever, but you just met?  That's what it was like talking to Alena!  She's passionate about elevating quality of life for elders and creative in how to accomplish her mission.  Here's a simple yet powerful quote from Alena:

A lot of people forget patients still need human touch” 

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Dementia Community Outreach: How Area Agencies on Aging Use Education to Build Community

Last Spring I had the pleasure of connecting with Ellie Webb,  Dementia Care Specialist for the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of the North in Wisconsin.  That connection led to an in-person visit to train Ellie and 9 other team members from surrounding counties supported by the ADRC of the North to become Dementia Live® Coaches. Apart from the beautiful drive through rural Wisconsin as I made my way to the tip of the state on the coast of Lake Superior, spending time with such passionate people anchored in a similar mission to ignite change for their communities filled by buckets and my soul!  View my full LinkedIn post for more pictures. 

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