Addressing The Growing Needs Of The Aging Population

By 2050, the world's population of people ages 60 years and older will double (2.1 billion). The number of persons aged 80 years or older is expected to triple between 2020 and 2050 to reach 426 million (WHO).
Global communities face the complex challenges of an aging population that far outpaces the current capacities of healthcare and community services.
Aging service providers across the landscape urgently need practical and effective education and training that prepare and equip the workforce, families, and those who, in any capacity, serve the aging population.
AGE-u-cate Training Insitute's (ATI) fast-growing global impact is grounded in a commitment to providing solutions across the spectrum of aging services. From our initial launch into senior living in 2015, we are quickly expanding our solutions to home health, home care, hospice, community-based organizations, allied health, and higher education.
The baby boomers have made it loud and clear - they want to remain in their homes as long as possible. While this option will not replace the valuable services of senior living services for many older adults, it is evident that home care services will continue their explosive growth for the foreseeable future. Therefore, preparing a workforce to serve the complex needs of older adults, often with complex chronic illnesses, is critical.
Senior living's training models of training and programming often fit neatly into a box. For the home care service space, the framework changes. Workers are remote, often with many clients and fluctuating schedules. Limited peer-to-peer mentoring means onboarding training must pact a powerful punch with ongoing skills-based training being practical, easy to consume, and applied to their daily work with clients.
AGE-u-cate empowers the home care professional with the tools and skills that hit the mark in Quality of Life/Quality of Care training
Let's talk about community-based organizations (CBOs). Examples are the Area Agencies on Aging, Aging and Disabilities Resource Centers, dementia-friendly initiatives, and other independent organizations. How do they use AGE-u-cate programs? Community-wide awareness, caregiver education, and professional training. These all lead to improving social determinants of health (SDOH)- top initiatives of state, federal, and local stakeholders. When these entities collaborate, real change takes place. First responders, local businesses, high school to university students, the business community, and others can all be a part of bettering their communities through aging and dementia education. It's a proven and powerful domino effect!
Preparing healthcare professionals for the aging population they will serve as a growing concern along with the complex skills training needed across the spectrum of those in healthcare, and the need to integrate aging education, particularly the skills needed to work with older adults with cognitive challenges. Allied health schools, community colleges, and universities are often key collaborators within their communities. Solid training and education not only prepares their students but also helps them recruit students to the aging field - a high priority to keep pace with the aging population.
The AGE-u-cate team welcomes the opportunity to partner with you in igniting change for our aging world.