Renewal, Rebirth and Regrowth...Hope for Caregivers

Despite our disappointments, struggles, and unknowns, we must cling to hope - for renewal, rebirth, and regrowth.  This season brings hope as we witness new blossoms, trees budding and renewed faith.  Caregivers need to above all, cling to their hope that this journey you are on will bring new blessings, opportunities for personal growth, and strength to carry on your important work.

I certainly know from personal experience that this is not easy, and the journey is often long, hard and often anything but hopeful.   I have a dear friend now who is going through the depths of darkness in her own caregiving journey with her husband and life partner who is losing his battle with stage 4 glioblastoma.  Being there as a friend, mentor, confidant and soundboard is probably one of the most helpful roles I can play right now.  I certainly cannot fix today, but I can lend small nugget of hope and assurance to her that she needs to get through today and the difficulties that she may face tomorrow.

As caregivers, we belong to a larger community.  When we connect with others we can lend that ear, or hug, or shoulder to cry on or laugh with.  When we do that for others, we offer one another the assurance that they are not alone on this often lonely journey.

This simple message today is to encourage all of you to reach out- to a family member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or even a stranger.  We all know someone struggling.   Just your presence can brighten another's day, whether they are caring for someone else or themselves.  Just your presence, warm smile and a gentle touch can lend strength to another in ways that are often immeasurable.

Pam Brandon is President/Founder of AGE-u-cate Training Institute and a passionate advocate for older and adults and those who serve them.


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