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Pam Brandon

How Dementia Friendly Communities Can Change Our Attitudes

Dementia is everyone's business.  After decades of being relegated to an issue of institutionalism,  the idea that people living with dementia can have a quality of life is a huge step in furthering education, awareness and acceptance for  millions of Americans that are affected by dementia.  The Dementia Friendly Community movement is making great strides in bringing opportunities to change attitudes, actions and our thinking.

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Collaboration - Producing Creative Solutions in Senior Care

Our hyper competitive, profit driven business world often scoffs at the idea of collaboration.  I supposed I'm naive, but I want to think that those in senior care are more passionate and compassionate about working with others for the greater good.  I still believe this is true for most of us.  Working well with others almost always comes back to us ten fold.  This is true in life and business.

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Caring Connections - What Happens When it all Comes Together?

It's a small small world in many ways. Those of us with a mission and passion to help others just seem to find each other. Caring people find connections with other caring people - it's like magic!
We all know the basics of health 101: eat well, exercise, get proper sleep. Add to that the science of social connections. One study showed that lack of social connections is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure.
People who are connected to each others experience:

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