Use FLASH21 for a discount
Great for holiday gifts and parties
A Reminiscence program for ALL ages
Use FLASH21 for a discount
Great for holiday gifts and parties
A Reminiscence program for ALL ages
Topics: memories, Flashback Reminiscence Training, reminiscence, fun activity
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, dementia care, The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, memories, dementia, Hospital Professionals, activities, life enrichment, Person centered care, Joy, Flashback Reminiscence Training
What is a harder conversation topic with elderly parents - money or death? If you guessed death, you get a gold star. Why do we find it so very difficult to discuss the inevitable? Surely we've all come to grips with the fact there is one thing certain about life and that is death. We can embrace the ending by learning to embrace the life that we still have with our loved ones until the times comes when they are no longer with us.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, memories, caregivers, compassionate touch, Faith Community, Compassion, families, End-of-life, death
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Memory Care, memories, Family
Most of us don’t give much thought to items we use in our everyday lives. But the memories of these seemingly benign objects reconnect us with moments of meaning in our lives.
Topics: dementia care, Senior Care Professionals, Memory Care, memories, dementia