I'm always energized after attending and speaking at conferences. Learning about creative programming, new technologies being developed and how we are preparing for the next wave of seniors makes me even more excited about our future as a training and education provider. To be in the senior care industry today means adventure at every corner!
Adventures in Senior Care...An Industry on the Move
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Eversound, Hospital Professionals, Eldergrow, Ageless Grace, SingFit, Senior Care Industry
The Transformational Power of Touch in Dementia Care
Topics: dementia care, The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, Training, compassionate touch, Hospital Professionals, End-of-life, Skilled Touch, AGE-u-cate Training Instiute
About one fourth of older hospital patients have dementia. These patients are at an outstandingly higher risk than other patients for:
Topics: The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, Aging in the Workplace, dementia, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Hospital Professionals, Alzheimer's Association, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, Alzheimer's and Dementia Weekly, delirium, AGE-u-cate Training Instite, Lutheran Medical Center