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Family Caregiver (9)

Why Aging Well is Everyone's Business

Having a sense of purpose and a community network in which to provide these avenues seems to be important for brain health, an important component of aging well. But aging well starts with more basic work.  Some of these include:

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Signs and Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout Not to Miss

It is a rare occasion when either speaking to or meeting with family caregivers that I do not have tucked away this invaluable list of signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout to share with them before I leave.    My advice to caregivers is to print this list out and place in a plastic sleeve and tape it to your bathroom mirror.  Every single day you should be aware of these signs - often that creep in slowly- and zap our ability to cope, quickly leading to caregiver burnout.

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Caregiver Resentment and How it's like Weeds in your Garden!

I just can't help but talk about gardening this time of year.  I admit it - I'm addicted.  It's not uncommon for me to get my garden gloves on early on a Saturday morning and still have them on when at sundown.  Once I start working in my garden, I just can't stop - especially this time of year.  So why am I going to talk about caregivers resentment and weeds in your garden?

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The Important Role of Faith Community Nursing

Faith-based hospital organizations recognize the impact of partnerships with their local faith-based communities.  The important role of faith community nursing programs is to bridge the gap in helping congregational nurses to meet the needs of their faith communities.

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Noise Pollution and Older Adults - A Real Health Hazard

When was the last time you walked into a restaurant hoping for a relaxing dinner only to feel like you were in the middle of a rock concert, and a bad one at that?  You're not alone.  Noise pollution is a real health hazard, especially for older adults.  Yes, I'm in the AARP club myself, but don't consider myself "old" (and not sure when that starts)  but I've noticed how noise has affected me as I've aged.

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The Important Role that Money plays in Caregiving Decisions

It's no secret that families tend to shy away from the topics of money and death more often than not.  The fact, however, is that caregiving decisions often revolve around money, as care options will vary greatly depending on one's assets.  So money plays a very important role in the choices that are made and discussions that take place between family members.

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