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Family Caregiver (7)

The Family Caregiving Tsunami is Here. How are We Supporting Them?

We have a family caregiving tsunami whose tidal waves are affecting every corner of our society.  I venture to say that most communities are not prepared for the domino effects of a fast-aging population let along to provide support to their families that are scrambling to stay above water - emotionally, physically and financially.

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What Would Life be Like if You were a Resident for a Day?

What would life be like if you stepped into the world of a resident in long-term care?   Perhaps it would awaken us to the fact that they see things much differently than we do.  Maybe it would make us understand their experiences, challenges, and thought processes.  Do you think that we might be more empathetic?  Gosh, I hope so.

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Can we Age Well through the Challenges of Aging?

Until a miracle cure is found to stop, reverse or drastically slow down the aging process,  the news flash of the day is that we will all leave this earth someday.  In our anti-aging driven society of wrinkle reducers and body re-shaping, the fact is that all of us are, shall I say it - AGING!  The question is not that we are aging, but can we age well through the challenges of aging?

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Personhood and it's Value in Dementia Care

Quite simply, the definition of personhood is the quality or condition of being an individual person.  At the core of personhood is the self- who we are are, our values and beliefs.  It's who makes us who we are.  Being able to recognize the "self" of personhood is key to understanding and practicing person-centered care for persons living with dementia.

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Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's - the Challenges of Diagnosis

Research confirms that by the age of 40, almost 100% of persons with Down syndrome who die have changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD).  Understanding this link and the challenges of a diagnosis of AD in persons with Down syndrome is important for families and healthcare professionals.

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