More than 5.5 million people across the United States are living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. As the baby boom generation ages, the numbers are projected to grow at alarming rates. Although state dementia training requirements vary greatly, overall requirements are expanding for certified nursing assistants, administrators, licensed practical nurses, health aides, personal care assistants and law enforcement and emergency personnel.
Why State Dementia Training Requirements Are Expanding
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Training, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Hospital Professionals, CMS dementia training, Assisted Living, dementia training
Is Stress Reaction a form of Behavioral Expression in Dementia?
Stress Reaction is a term being used more often to describe communication in persons living with dementia. Behavioral expression, too, is communication. In a growing number of circles, the term behavioral expression is being replaced by stress reaction simply because behaviors sometimes leans toward being a negative descriptive of how persons with dementia express unmet needs.
Topics: dementia care, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, Care Partners, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, leadership, Hospital Professionals, Stress, AGE-u-cate Training, Behavioral Expression, communication
From the conversations I have every single day with our partners, I'm guessing most of you would give yourselves an adequate score at best. And perhaps this is on a good day. "Empowering Your Caregivers" - some of you might just be asking what exactly I mean by empowering caregivers.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Training, dementia, caregivers, Dementia Live, leadership, Hospital Professionals, turnover
The Depression-Dementia Link and What Caregivers Need to Know
Far too often I talk to family caregivers who are concerned about their loved one's cognitive decline. It is not uncommon to hear such explanations go something like this:
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, Family, caregivers, Dementia Live, Hospital Professionals, family caregivers, Depression, families, older adults, health, Pseudodementia
Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's - the Challenges of Diagnosis
Research confirms that by the age of 40, almost 100% of persons with Down syndrome who die have changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Understanding this link and the challenges of a diagnosis of AD in persons with Down syndrome is important for families and healthcare professionals.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Training, Family, Care Partners, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, leadership, Alzheimer's disease, Hospital Professionals, families, Downs Syndrome
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, leadership, Australia
Is it Delirium or Dementia - Learn the Differences
Delirium is an acute disorder of attention and global cognition, including perception and memory, and is treatable. Learning the differences between delirium and dementia is important for professional and family caregivers, as the diagnosis is missed in more than 50% of the cases.
Topics: healthcare, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Hospital Professionals, family caregivers, professionals, families, AGE-u-cate Training Insitute, older adults, delirium, hospital
Ushering in a New Culture of Change at Pioneer Network
We are honored to be a part of the National Pioneer Network Conference kicking off today in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Ushering in a New Culture of Change promises to be an enlightening and invigorating educational and networking event for participants and those serving the elder care industry. AGE-u-cate® Training Institute will be offering it's internationally acclaimed Dementia Live® Experience and Compassionate Touch® Program to innovators
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, aging services, Elders, culture change, Aging in the Workplace, dementia, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Hospital Professionals, Pioneer Network, elder care, long term care, Work
Top Ten Tips for Improving the Dining Experience for Persons with Dementia
Although persons living dementia may have challenges with eating, such as chewing, ability to taste or smell food, or remembering how to eat, the dining experience can have a tremendous effect on their socialization, how much they eat and if the time they spend eating is enjoyable or frustrating. Improving the dining experience is certainly possible, whether in a community-based setting, a hospital in the home or even in a restaurant.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, Dementia Live, leadership, Hospital Professionals, Mealtime, Eating, Dining
How to Put Caregiver Coping Skills into Practice - Today!
Stress is simply a part of life. Think about each and every stressor that affects our lives almost daily. Here are just a few to think about: traffic, annoying telemarketing calls (what telemarketing calls aren't annoying?), junk mail, the news, job demands, airline delays (let's just airports in general), and the list goes on. Life is complicated, stressful and caregiving is even more so on just about every level. So instead of talking about eliminating stressors, let's talk about how caregivers can put coping skills into practice so that falling into the traps of anxiety, depression and more is eliminated or decreased as much as possible.
Topics: The Faith Community, AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Caregiver, caregivers, Dementia Live, Stress, older adults, Coping Skills