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Aging Service Provider (2)

How Can We Better Support and Educate Family Caregivers?

Family CaregiversAccording to estimates from the National Alliance for Caregiving, during the past year, 65.7 million Americans (or 29 percent of the adult U.S. adult population involving 31 percent of all U.S. households) served as family caregivers for an ill or disabled relative.   That is 65.7 million family caregivers who are desperately needing education, training, support and help with finding available resources.  We must do a better job as these numbers are increasing drastically with our aging population.

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#KnowMorePD - Elevating Awareness of Parkinson's Disease

April marks Parkinson's Awareness Month and the theme the Parkinson's Foundation has chosen is #KnowMorePD to help elevate the public's awareness of the disease and to share the resources available to those who are diagnosed with PD and their families

Parkinsons's Disease (PD) is a complex movement disorder with symptoms that vary from person to person.  Some of these symptoms may include tremors, slurred speech,  a masked face, slow movement, and unsteady gait.  Because PD is largely misunderstood  by the general public and even healthcare professionals, it's often frightening to see a person struggle with these symptoms.  And when people don't understand what is happening, they generally react by becoming fearful or avoiding that person.

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Home Sweet Home: Transforming Aging in Place


This is where people want to be.. home. It is time to examine changes needed for people stay safe and well with availability of appropriate care and services.


The Home Health/Care Industry quickly stepped up to the plate during the COVID pandemic.  The demand for services ballooned almost over-night, and providers responded with a fierce determination to serve those in need.

The challenges were not that different from long term care.  However, one might argue they were a bit more challenging due to the remote nature of the workforce.

COVID testing and protocol training required an enormous amount of coordination.  Another challenge was the lack of testing for the home-bound elders, and discovering that in desperation for care,  dishonesty of symptoms was a factor.

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CARES Act Grants to Help Social Isolation among Elders

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law.   The CARES Act grants totally $955 million will support older adults and people with disabilities in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Organizations that will have access to this funding includes a network of community-based organization such as Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living,  senior centers, faith-based organizations and other community-based non-profit organizations that provide resources and services to help older adults and people living with disabilities stay healthy and live independently.   $100 million is earmarked for the National Family Caregiver Support Program to help expand services that aid families and information for caregivers who are providing support for their loved ones at home.

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