How Can We Better Support and Educate Family Caregivers?

Family CaregiversAccording to estimates from the National Alliance for Caregiving, during the past year, 65.7 million Americans (or 29 percent of the adult U.S. adult population involving 31 percent of all U.S. households) served as family caregivers for an ill or disabled relative.   That is 65.7 million family caregivers who are desperately needing education, training, support and help with finding available resources.  We must do a better job as these numbers are increasing drastically with our aging population.

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#KnowMorePD - Elevating Awareness of Parkinson's Disease

April marks Parkinson's Awareness Month and the theme the Parkinson's Foundation has chosen is #KnowMorePD to help elevate the public's awareness of the disease and to share the resources available to those who are diagnosed with PD and their families

Parkinsons's Disease (PD) is a complex movement disorder with symptoms that vary from person to person.  Some of these symptoms may include tremors, slurred speech,  a masked face, slow movement, and unsteady gait.  Because PD is largely misunderstood  by the general public and even healthcare professionals, it's often frightening to see a person struggle with these symptoms.  And when people don't understand what is happening, they generally react by becoming fearful or avoiding that person.

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REVEAL Aging: The New Generation of Workforce Education

The Aging Services Industry faces a triple-whammy when it comes to workforce turnover and retention.

The first hit is the massive turnover that occurred and continues to occur because of the pandemic.   Second,  the turnover is on top of existing unfillable vacant positions.  Thirdly, there are new entrants into the field who have no prior experience caring for older adults.

We don't want just warm bodies.  Yet, providers had to scurry and pull from every corner to get to bare staffing requirements.  Now, providers hang on hope that the good employees will not jump ship as the pandemic fades.  What are we to do about this massive issue?

Much of the focus will continue to  be on recruiting new employees, and rightly so.  However, great attention needs to be given to how to keep the new, good employees.  At the same time, it is critical to also maintain the spirit and engagement of the seasoned employees.

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Home Sweet Home: Transforming Aging in Place


This is where people want to be.. home. It is time to examine changes needed for people stay safe and well with availability of appropriate care and services.


The Home Health/Care Industry quickly stepped up to the plate during the COVID pandemic.  The demand for services ballooned almost over-night, and providers responded with a fierce determination to serve those in need.

The challenges were not that different from long term care.  However, one might argue they were a bit more challenging due to the remote nature of the workforce.

COVID testing and protocol training required an enormous amount of coordination.  Another challenge was the lack of testing for the home-bound elders, and discovering that in desperation for care,  dishonesty of symptoms was a factor.

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A Nod to Nursing Home Administrators

thank-you-300x300Nursing Home Administrators are unsung heroes before, during and after the pandemic.  On this occasion of  Nursing Home Administrator's Week, AGE-u-cate Training Institute extends our thanks and admiration for the tireless commitment of these professionals.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that a health services manager plans, directs and coordinates the business of activities of healthcare providers, and this includes nursing home administrators.

It is difficult to define such a complex job.  However, I think the BLS should update the position responsibilities for the LNHA.

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Expressive Touch in Caregiving is Beneficial for Everyone

holding_hands-400x225-1Touch connects humans to each other, reduces stress, and communicates care and concern. Don't we all need a little more of this these days?

Compassionate Touch® is an effective caregiving technique that combines expressive touch and compassionate presence.  The good- old-fashioned back rub is making its way back to eldercare, reinforcing that touch is beneficial for everyone.

But, let's not stop at the back.  Add shoulders, arms and hands, legs and feet, and now we have a powerful caregiving protocol that is easy to learn and so effective.

Eldercare providers need tools that improve the quality of life for those they serve.  Additionally, providers need ways improve the quality of the work experience for their employees.  I would argue that there has never been a more critical time than now to seek new ways to retain employees.

Compassionate Touch® hits the mark on both counts.

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Touch is a Touchy Subject in Eldercare

Human beings need the connection of touch for wellbeing. Expressive Touch is possible and necessary, even during a pandemic.

The pandemic has made us all wary of getting too close to others, and rightly so.  Shivers might run down your spine thinking about touching someone not related to you.

Touch, meaning holding a hand, offering a hug or a warming shoulder rub.  Can we?  Should we?  Touch, is a touchy subject these days, after all.

People express their fatigue with pandemic-style living.  How many times have you heard, "I'm so over it"?

Imagine how over it elders who live in elder care communities must feel?  Separated from family and friends for a year with a profound absence of expressive touch in their lives.

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