Addressing Social Isolation through Intergenerational Arts

Posted by Pam Brandon on May 23, 2024 11:15:00 AM
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Topics: Dementia and Wellness, HolisticHealth, #Intergenerational arts

Empowering Communities: Meals on Wheels' Role in Dementia Education and Support

Posted by Pam Brandon on May 10, 2024 11:22:00 AM

MOW America

This week, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at the Meals on Wheels Texas Conference, where I shared our impactful Dementia Live® Experience with MOW community partners from across the state. The discussion was eye-opening and highlighted the pressing need for dementia education and awareness within our communities.

During my session, I posed a thought-provoking question to the attendees: "How many of you feel that your communities are Dementia-Ready?" Not a single positive response echoed in the packed room.

Subsequently, I asked, "How many of you have been personally touched by someone living with dementia?" About 80% of the attendees raised their hands, showcasing the widespread impact of dementia in our society.

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Topics: #DementiaAwareness

Building Blocks for Addressing the Dementia Crisis: Collaborative Solutions and Initiatives

Posted by Pam Brandon on Apr 26, 2024 11:15:00 AM

The rising incidence of dementia and its toll on families is one piece of a significant domino effect on public health. As a caregiver for both my parents affected by dementia, I can say firsthand that there are no words to describe the emotional and physical price of this journey. I want to explore the broader crisis we face: the cost to our communities, public health, health systems, and the stakeholders who are all invested in this space.

First, let's face the reality: the looming aging tsunami, as it has been referred to for decades, is here. It is no longer a futuristic term. With this in mind, planning is accelerating into action at the federal, state, and local levels.

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Topics: Dementia Live®Training, Dementia Awareness, #Dementiastrategies

The Rising Importance of Credentialing for Dementia Professionals

Posted by Pam Brandon on Apr 11, 2024 12:10:07 PM

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the demand for highly skilled and knowledgeable dementia professionals is at an all-time high. With the dementia crisis reaching critical levels, the need for individuals who are well-trained and credentialed in this specialized field has never been more pressing. Let's delve into why seeking education and credentialing from reputable organizations is crucial for dementia professionals and the overall quality of care they provide.

1. Enhanced Skills for Exceptional Care

Dementia care is a multifaceted domain that requires a delicate balance of technical expertise and compassionate care. Additional education equips professionals with vital skills such as empathy building, effective communication strategies, and specialized care practices tailored to individuals with dementia. These core competencies are indispensable in navigating the complexities of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, ensuring a higher standard of care for clients and their families.

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Topics: #dementia credentialing, #badging and credentialing

Building Trust - A Foundational Tool for Community Dementia Education

Posted by Pam Brandon on Mar 28, 2024 11:00:00 AM

In today's world, where dementia is becoming increasingly prevalent, it's vital for communities to bridge the gap between knowledge and empathy through comprehensive dementia training. These programs serve as the cornerstone for building trust, enhancing communication, promoting inclusivity, and ultimately fostering a more compassionate and supportive environment for individuals living with dementia. Let's explore how diving into dementia training can create ripples of positive change within communities.

Empathy as the Anchor

At the heart of dementia training lies the cultivation of empathy. By delving into the challenges faced by those living with dementia, training programs dismantle stereotypes and foster a deeper understanding among participants. This newfound empathy becomes the anchor that grounds interactions, leading to increased compassion and respect for individuals affected by dementia. As empathy blooms, so does trust, laying a solid foundation for meaningful connections within the community.

Navigating the Waters of Communication

Effective communication is the bridge that connects individuals, especially when engaging with those living with dementia. Dementia training equips participants with essential communication strategies tailored to the unique needs of individuals with cognitive impairments. Techniques such as using clear language, maintaining eye contact, and practicing active listening become navigational tools in fostering meaningful conversations. As communication barriers dissolve, trust builds naturally, creating smoother sailing in community interactions.

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Topics: Dementia friendly community, Dementia Care Outreach Education, Community Education

A Serious Look at Elder Abuse Prevention

Posted by Julie Boggess on Mar 14, 2024 9:54:12 AM

Stop Elder Abuse

This article aims to delve into the importance of adopting strategies for preventing elder abuse.

Throughout my 32-year tenure in leadership roles within nursing homes, I consistently encountered frustration due to the scarcity of resources, both in terms of time and finances, as well as the absence of thoroughly researched and effective strategies for proactively preventing elder abuse. Despite implementing standard measures such as employee background checks, mandatory annual in-service training, and policy review during new hire orientations, I often sensed a lingering feeling that there was more we could do. Looking back, I now recognize that we also fell short in adequately educating family members on abuse prevention. However, one aspect where we excelled was in promptly reporting allegations, which appeared to hold utmost importance from a regulatory standpoint, regrettably so.

Whether a professional working with elders living in the community or congregate care, does your agency do enough?  Can you identify and describe the organizational strategy to prevent abuse?

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Topics: Caregiver Training, Caregiver Burnout, elder abuse, compassionate leadership, compassion culture, Elder Abuse Prevention

Key Mobilizing Strategies to Address the Dementia Crisis

Posted by Pam Brandon on Mar 7, 2024 11:30:00 AM

While healthcare is making stride forward, one issue is reaching a critical point that demands urgent attention - dementia. According to the latest statistics from Alzheimer's Disease International, over 10 million new cases of dementia emerge each year worldwide, equating to one new case every 3.2 seconds. Yet, these alarming figures only scratch the surface, as many individuals living with dementia remain undiagnosed. We find ourselves at a global tipping point, necessitating bold and innovative measures to address this crisis head-on.

Dementia readiness is not merely a valid consideration; it is a mandatory imperative for stakeholders across the spectrum of healthcare and aging services. CMS data reveals that dementia ranks as the fourth most costly chronic condition, signaling a financial burden that is escalating with the growing number of affected individuals. The urgency to act is evident, and to navigate this crisis effectively, we must collectively embrace transformative strategies.

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Topics: #DementiaAwareness, #HealthcareSolutions, #Dementiastrategies

Five Mobilizing Strategies to Address the Dementia Crisis

Posted by Pam Brandon on Mar 6, 2024 11:07:49 AM














In a world that is constantly evolving, facing new challenges, and making strides in healthcare, one issue is reaching a critical point that demands urgent attention - dementia. According to the latest statistics from , over 10 million new cases of dementia emerge each year worldwide, equating to one new case every 3.2 seconds. Yet, these alarming figures only scratch the surface, as many individuals living with dementia remain undiagnosed. We find ourselves at a global tipping point, necessitating bold and innovative measures to address this crisis head-on.

Dementia readiness is not merely a valid consideration; it is a mandatory imperative for stakeholders across the spectrum of healthcare and aging services. CMS data reveals that dementia ranks as the fourth most costly chronic condition, signaling a financial burden that is escalating with the growing number of affected individuals. The urgency to act is evident, and to navigate this crisis effectively, we must collectively embrace transformative strategies.

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Topics: #DementiaAwareness, #Dementiastrategies, #Dementia Ready Communities

Listening: An Under-Utilized Caregiving Skill

Posted by Julie Boggess on Feb 29, 2024 11:05:04 AM



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Topics: Care Partners, Direct Care Workforce Training, Caregiver Tools, Communication Skills Training

Building Dementia Capable Systems: Transforming Communities through Care and Education

Posted by Pam Brandon on Feb 15, 2024 11:30:00 AM




As Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias continue to rise at exponential rates, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions to address this growing epidemic. The concept of dementia capable systems has emerged as a vital initiative at the federal, state, and community levels to create a supportive environment for individuals living with dementia. Let's delve into the definitions of key terms such as dementia capable, dementia capable systems, dementia friendly communities, and dementia capable care, shedding light on the multifaceted approach required to combat this challenging issue.

Dementia Capable:

Dementia capable, as defined in the U.S. national dementia plan, encompasses activities and enjoyments that support the personhood of individuals living with dementia. It also emphasizes empowering care partners with knowledge, skills, and competency to enhance the quality of life for those affected. This broad scope recognizes the importance of addressing both the needs of individuals with dementia and those providing care.

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Topics: Dementia Live®Training

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