Posts by:

Pam Brandon

What Nurses Need to Know about Parkinson's Disease

As a  geriatric nurse, I rather frequently see the effects of age and disease on the body. Of course, different diseases manifest in different ways, and while some of those signs and symptoms may mirror those of old age, others may not. As a result, it is important that I, and other geriatric nurses like me, recognize how Parkinson’s disease might affect a patient under our care so that we can better care for them and meet their needs.

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Noise Pollution and Older Adults - A Real Health Hazard

When was the last time you walked into a restaurant hoping for a relaxing dinner only to feel like you were in the middle of a rock concert, and a bad one at that?  You're not alone.  Noise pollution is a real health hazard, especially for older adults.  Yes, I'm in the AARP club myself, but don't consider myself "old" (and not sure when that starts)  but I've noticed how noise has affected me as I've aged.

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The Important Role that Money plays in Caregiving Decisions

It's no secret that families tend to shy away from the topics of money and death more often than not.  The fact, however, is that caregiving decisions often revolve around money, as care options will vary greatly depending on one's assets.  So money plays a very important role in the choices that are made and discussions that take place between family members.

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Renewal, Rebirth and Regrowth...Hope for Caregivers

Despite our disappointments, struggles, and unknowns, we must cling to hope - for renewal, rebirth, and regrowth.  This season brings hope as we witness new blossoms, trees budding and renewed faith.  Caregivers need to above all, cling to their hope that this journey you are on will bring new blessings, opportunities for personal growth, and strength to carry on your important work.

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Preparing Future Generations for an Aging World

Aging isn't just for old people - we are all connected. As the world ages at break-neck speed, how well are we preparing future generations to live in an aging world?  Are we treating the very young and very old in our society as bookends simply in place to hold our "middle" years in place?

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How Counseling Can Help Caregivers Cope with Emotions

Caring for a close family member friend can be emotionally overwhelming.  While many caregivers find fulfillment in helping another person, along with this comes feelings of loss, anger,  grief, and guilt.  Caregivers struggle with depression and anxiety at a much higher rate than the general population.  Counseling can be very beneficial for helping people with what is called caregiver burnout.

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Communicating with Terms of Endearment - A Big NO NO

Dear, Honey, Hun, Sweetie, Buddy, Chief, That’s a good boy, Let's go potty now.  No, I am not talking to my 18-month-old, I am repeating terms of endearment and phrases I hear in memory care and assisted living every day. There is so much research behind the use of this type of language researchers refer to it as elderspeak. I know I am guilty of using terms like these and I know you are too but explore the impact it may be having on our residents.

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