Strategies for Managing Sexually Related Stress Reactions
Caring for individuals living with dementia can be challenging, particularly when their reactions become physically and/or verbally sexual in nature. Care Partners play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment that addresses the unique needs of the person living with dementia while maintaining dignity and safety for all involved. Here are some helpful tips and tools for care partners to keep in their tool box while helping people with sexually related stress reactions.
Identify Potential Triggers
Identify potential triggers for sexual reactions, such as unmet needs, providing care, or environmental factors. Keep a record of when these reactions occur to recognize patterns and address them.
Questions to ask:
- What do you know about this person in your care? Is there a pattern of this type of reaction or is this the first time observed?
- If there is a pattern, does it seem to be with the same care partner or with any care partner?
- Observe what is happening in the moment? Even asking someone to get undressed may be misinterpreted.
- Are there visual or auditory cues in the environment such as a picture or something on the television that might trigger this type of reaction?
- Are movies or music being played that might invoke memories or sexual thoughts?