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News Flash! Our Seniors are Drowning in Drugs

I recently attended a conference and listened to a geriatrician share that the average number of medications her patients are on when they come to her practice is a shocking 18 - 24.  That's per DAY! No doubt we have a serious epidemic in this country - our seniors are drowning in drugs.

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Noise Pollution and Older Adults - A Real Health Hazard

When was the last time you walked into a restaurant hoping for a relaxing dinner only to feel like you were in the middle of a rock concert, and a bad one at that?  You're not alone.  Noise pollution is a real health hazard, especially for older adults.  Yes, I'm in the AARP club myself, but don't consider myself "old" (and not sure when that starts)  but I've noticed how noise has affected me as I've aged.

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When Disaster Strikes - Are you Prepared to Care for Your Loved One?

The devastation we are witnessing in the wake of Hurricane Harvey is a reminder that we must all be prepared to care for a loved one, elderly or  disabled neighbor or friend when disaster strikes. Here is a list of 6 basic yet vital precautions that everyone should have in place, especially in the event of a natural or manmade disaster:

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