How Skilled Nursing Communities Can Get QAPI Resources at No-Cost
Searching for effective Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement (QAPI) Projects for Certified Nursing Communities is daunting. From finding the right project to looking for available resources can become challenging in our post-pandemic environment.
Fortunately, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) are legislatively mandated to provide funding to states for projects that improve the quality of life and the quality of care in certified nursing communities. The program is the Civil Monetary Penalty Grant Program (CMP).
What is a CMP Grant?
The Civil Monetary Penalty Grant (CMP) program takes a portion of fines paid by nursing communities for regulatory infractions and funnels dollars back to states that accept applications to expend funds for projects that improve the quality of life and care for residents living in dually certified nursing communities. AGE-u-cate writes grant applications to states to bring our programs to dually certified communities at no cost to them.
How is it No Cost?
Dually certified communities that decide to engage with AGE-u-cate on a grant project pay nothing because the funds are provided through the state directly to AGE-u-cate. This model allows the community to focus on performance improvement without the financial stress truly. Note: Every state implements CMP projects differently, so please check with us first.
How Can a Grant Project Help with QAPI?
Dually certified communities are required by federal regulation to engage in projects that measure and drive improvement in quality outcomes. It takes a lot of time to create an effective initiative from the ground up and keep all the balls juggling; this is where AGE-u-cate can assist. Our no-cost grant projects are organized as "QAPI in a box." We give communities all the tools needed to implement a project and measure the impact to staff and outcomes for the residents. You don't need to create the wheel because we've already done that work.
How We Can Help You
We will support the application process every step of the way and work with you to customize the project to fit your specific needs.
AGE-u-cate provides you with the resources to train, educate and build staff skills that will directly benefit your residents, which is a key component of any CMP project. All three AGE-u-cate programs have realized positive outcomes, and we provide you with support to sustain the program and collect outcomes.
Projects include online training for designated program coaches, onsite training for all staff delivered by an AGE-u-cate Certified Master Trainer, and subscriptions for our one-hour device-enabled microlearning staff training modules that reinforce the key components of each program and promote sustainability.
Explore Funding Opportunities in Your State
Qualifying Programs
If your community needs a boost in Dementia Training, consider our program Dementia Live, a high-impact dementia simulation experience that immerses participants into life with dementia, resulting in a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live with cognitive impairment and sensory change.
If you need to equip your staff with a tool that reduces and even prevents resident stress reactions from residents in their care, consider Compassionate Touch, a caregiving approach that includes skilled touch and specialized communication shown to prevent stress reactions for people living with dementia and enhance the quality of life for those in later stages of life. Through this program, care partners also enjoy the benefits of reduced stress and increased job satisfaction associated with positive human connections.
Reading2Connect® is a resident-directed, Montessori-based program that provides staff training and specialized reading materials to engage residents of all abilities. The Reading2Connect® Program sparks residents’ imaginations, personal stories, laughter, an interest in learning, and much more. This program empowers residents, fostering enthusiastic participation, independence, and social connections.
Please don't hesitate to reach out and start the process. Our job is to make your job easier!
More information about accessing CMP funds