Advancing Dementia Education: AGE-u-cate & The Arbor Company's Initiatives

Posted by Pam Brandon on Jul 25, 2024 8:15:00 AM

In a concerted effort to advance approaches for dementia care, AGE-u-cate™ Training Institute and The Arbor Company are introducing significant refresh initiatives. AGE-u-cate has updated its Dementia Live® white paper to incorporate the latest research and best practices, providing a comprehensive resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals. Simultaneously, The Arbor Company is enhancing Dementia Live within their senior living community landscape by hosting in-person coach training sessions through regional events, ensuring that program coaches are equipped with cutting-edge techniques and insights to foster deeper understanding and empathy for those living with dementia.

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Topics: #HealthcareEmpathy, #DementiaAwareness, #Dementiastrategies, #DementiaLive, #Dementia Ready Communities, #DementiaCommunityEducation, #Dementia care education, #Alzheimer's caregiver training

Compassionate Communication -a Game Changer for Improving Healthcare Outcomes

Posted by Pam Brandon on Jul 11, 2024 11:15:00 AM



In today's fast-paced healthcare environment, the human touch can sometimes be overlooked. However, research consistently shows that compassionate communication is crucial for patient outcomes, healthcare provider well-being, and overall organizational effectiveness. Let's look at the importance of compassionate communication in healthcare, drawing on key research findings to highlight its benefits and impact.

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Topics: #HealthcareEmpathy, #Compassionate Communication, #Improve Patient Outcomes

Why Universities are Preparing Students as Dementia-Ready Professionals

Posted by Pam Brandon on Jan 25, 2024 11:30:00 AM


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Topics: Workforce Development, #DementiaReadyPros, #HealthcareEmpathy

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