Research confirms that by the age of 40, almost 100% of persons with Down syndrome who die have changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Understanding this link and the challenges of a diagnosis of AD in persons with Down syndrome is important for families and healthcare professionals.
Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's - the Challenges of Diagnosis
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Training, Family, Care Partners, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, leadership, Alzheimer's disease, Hospital Professionals, families, Downs Syndrome
What did you do on your summer vacation? Tips for Caregivers
Every fall, teachers ask, “what did you do on your summer vacation?” Summer vacations are a rich tradition for many people. But as our loved one ages, memories of family trips — and the hopes of them continuing — seem to fade. As July turns the page into August, summer’s end appears too soon on the horizon, especially if what used to be your favorite family vacation is no longer do-able. Or is it? How do you vacation with — or do you need a respite from — your loved one with dementia?
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, Family, Faith Community
Grief, Guilt, and Anxiety - How We can Help Caregivers
As a long time family caregiver and professional in this field, I can tell you that the myriad of emotions that caregivers face on a daily basis is complex and ever-changing. That said, grief, guilt, and anxiety are certainly at the top of the list. How can we, as professionals in this field, better understand family needs and partner alongside them on this difficult journey?
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Senior Care, Family, caregivers, Hospital Professionals, caregiving, family caregivers, professionals, families, Anxiety, AGE-u-cate Training Insitute, Grief
Communication Skills Training Improves Dementia Care
Caring for people with dementia requires specialized communication skills training. Unfortunately, healthcare professionals and family caregivers often receive little training to enable them to meet the communicative needs of people with dementia.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, dementia, Family, caregivers, Dementia Live, Dementia Live®Training, Hospital Professionals, family caregivers, faith communities, professionals, older adults, health, communication, Social Workers, CNA, Certified Nurse Assistants, communication skills, Chaplains, Case Managers, Communication Skills Training
A tribute to Dad this Father's Day - Love, Hope and Lessons Learned
It's hard to believe that I've not had my dad in my life for over 20 years now. So much of who I am and what I've taught to my children came from my dad. So, it's appropriate that this blog be a tribute to my dad this Father's Day.
Topics: The Faith Community, AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Memory Care, Family Caregiver, dementia, Family, compassionate touch, Dementia Live, Alzheimer's disease, Community, children, alzheimer's, Father's Day
Signs and Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout Not to Miss
It is a rare occasion when either speaking to or meeting with family caregivers that I do not have tucked away this invaluable list of signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout to share with them before I leave. My advice to caregivers is to print this list out and place in a plastic sleeve and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Every single day you should be aware of these signs - often that creep in slowly- and zap our ability to cope, quickly leading to caregiver burnout.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Family, Caregiver, caregivers, Faith Community, family caregivers, Caregiver Burnout, Burnout, Public health crisis, Professional Caregivers, Caregiver Stress
The Important Role that Money plays in Caregiving Decisions
It's no secret that families tend to shy away from the topics of money and death more often than not. The fact, however, is that caregiving decisions often revolve around money, as care options will vary greatly depending on one's assets. So money plays a very important role in the choices that are made and discussions that take place between family members.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Family, caregivers, Dementia Live, Faith Community, parents, money, depression-era, nest egg, families, children, understanding, family conflict
How Counseling Can Help Caregivers Cope with Emotions
Caring for a close family member friend can be emotionally overwhelming. While many caregivers find fulfillment in helping another person, along with this comes feelings of loss, anger, grief, and guilt. Caregivers struggle with depression and anxiety at a much higher rate than the general population. Counseling can be very beneficial for helping people with what is called caregiver burnout.
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, dementia, Family, Caregiver, caregivers, leadership, Faith Community, Caregiver Burnout, Burnout, Depression, families, Anxiety, Counseling
Holiday Traditions...Accepting Change and Transition
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Elders, Family, caregivers, Faith Community, church, Seniors, families, older adults, old adults, traditions
Is it any wonder that upwards of 25% of caregivers suffer from self-induced stress over the holiday season? I was not at all surprised by that statistic, and actually I believe it is probably higher. Then I read that 65% of stress is due to family and in-laws! That puts a whole new twist on WHY caregivers by and large are at great risk of stress related emotional, physical and spiritual breakdown that starts in November and last for at least 2 months!
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Family, caregivers, Stress