Advancing Dementia Education: AGE-u-cate & The Arbor Company's Initiatives

Posted by Pam Brandon on Jul 25, 2024 8:15:00 AM

In a concerted effort to advance approaches for dementia care, AGE-u-cate™ Training Institute and The Arbor Company are introducing significant refresh initiatives. AGE-u-cate has updated its Dementia Live® white paper to incorporate the latest research and best practices, providing a comprehensive resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals. Simultaneously, The Arbor Company is enhancing Dementia Live within their senior living community landscape by hosting in-person coach training sessions through regional events, ensuring that program coaches are equipped with cutting-edge techniques and insights to foster deeper understanding and empathy for those living with dementia.

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Topics: #HealthcareEmpathy, #DementiaAwareness, #Dementiastrategies, #DementiaLive, #Dementia Ready Communities, #DementiaCommunityEducation, #Dementia care education, #Alzheimer's caregiver training

Building Blocks for Addressing the Dementia Crisis: Collaborative Solutions and Initiatives

Posted by Pam Brandon on Apr 26, 2024 11:15:00 AM

The rising incidence of dementia and its toll on families is one piece of a significant domino effect on public health. As a caregiver for both my parents affected by dementia, I can say firsthand that there are no words to describe the emotional and physical price of this journey. I want to explore the broader crisis we face: the cost to our communities, public health, health systems, and the stakeholders who are all invested in this space.

First, let's face the reality: the looming aging tsunami, as it has been referred to for decades, is here. It is no longer a futuristic term. With this in mind, planning is accelerating into action at the federal, state, and local levels.

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Topics: Dementia Live®Training, Dementia Awareness, #Dementiastrategies

Key Mobilizing Strategies to Address the Dementia Crisis

Posted by Pam Brandon on Mar 7, 2024 11:30:00 AM

While healthcare is making stride forward, one issue is reaching a critical point that demands urgent attention - dementia. According to the latest statistics from Alzheimer's Disease International, over 10 million new cases of dementia emerge each year worldwide, equating to one new case every 3.2 seconds. Yet, these alarming figures only scratch the surface, as many individuals living with dementia remain undiagnosed. We find ourselves at a global tipping point, necessitating bold and innovative measures to address this crisis head-on.

Dementia readiness is not merely a valid consideration; it is a mandatory imperative for stakeholders across the spectrum of healthcare and aging services. CMS data reveals that dementia ranks as the fourth most costly chronic condition, signaling a financial burden that is escalating with the growing number of affected individuals. The urgency to act is evident, and to navigate this crisis effectively, we must collectively embrace transformative strategies.

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Topics: #DementiaAwareness, #HealthcareSolutions, #Dementiastrategies

Five Mobilizing Strategies to Address the Dementia Crisis

Posted by Pam Brandon on Mar 6, 2024 11:07:49 AM














In a world that is constantly evolving, facing new challenges, and making strides in healthcare, one issue is reaching a critical point that demands urgent attention - dementia. According to the latest statistics from , over 10 million new cases of dementia emerge each year worldwide, equating to one new case every 3.2 seconds. Yet, these alarming figures only scratch the surface, as many individuals living with dementia remain undiagnosed. We find ourselves at a global tipping point, necessitating bold and innovative measures to address this crisis head-on.

Dementia readiness is not merely a valid consideration; it is a mandatory imperative for stakeholders across the spectrum of healthcare and aging services. CMS data reveals that dementia ranks as the fourth most costly chronic condition, signaling a financial burden that is escalating with the growing number of affected individuals. The urgency to act is evident, and to navigate this crisis effectively, we must collectively embrace transformative strategies.

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Topics: #DementiaAwareness, #Dementiastrategies, #Dementia Ready Communities

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