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How Does it Feel to Have Dementia?

I have experienced moments of confusion, like being on a business trip and waking up in an unfamiliar place and needing a moment to orient myself.  One time (or possibly more than once), I forgot where I parked my car at a large shopping mall.  With so many entrances to choose from, I could not remember which one I walked through to enter the mall.  Just a few weeks ago, I went through half of a day believing it was Thursday, and it was Wednesday- an entire HALF DAY!  

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Simple Steps to an Attitude of Gratitude

Be honest. The last time you sat in traffic, were you thankful for the fact that you had a car to drive and money for the gasoline to run it?  My guess is that wasn't your first thought.  If you are like me, you were wondering how late you will be for your appointment or asking yourself how you got in this mess to start with.. darn it!

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