I am humbled and honored to work with such amazing and talented people. As a trainer, I believe we learn as much from those we are training as they learn from us. We are all practicing when it comes to dementia care. Every day is a new day and no matter where we fit into the spectrum, we all need each other to learn and grow. Let's talk about person-centered care practices.
From Dementia Activities Round-up to Person-Centered Care Practices
Topics: Person-centered, Senior Care Professionals, Training, dementia, Care Partners, activities, Person centered care
Are we Confusing Life Enrichment with Activities in Dementia Care?
Topics: AGE-u-cate Training Institute, dementia care, The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, memories, dementia, Hospital Professionals, activities, life enrichment, Person centered care, Joy, Flashback Reminiscence Training
Considering Retirement? This Might Change Your Mind
I wonder if "retirement" will be one of those words that get's shelved as such a "twenty-tens" thing. Why the buzz about nixing retirement?
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Aging in the Workplace, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, aging, activities, health, Work, AGeucate Training Institute, retirement
Please Don't Forget the Hot Fudge Sundae... and other Dining Tips
As my mother's Parkinson's Disease progressed, it was very apparent that food and the mealtime experience became more important to her. So much so, that I remember saying "Mom's still finds joy in yummy food". That said, her "yummy" was not always the healthiest, but we wanted her to be happy. We knew that healthy foods were important, but probably not as important as the joy of witnessing her with excitement dig in to a chocolate fudge sundae with extra whipped cream. Now THAT was a quality dining experience!
Topics: Senior Care Professionals, Family Caregiver, Senior Care, leadership, activities, Mealtime, Eating, Dining, older adults, Joy
Montessori methods - beyond child's play for dementia care
Montessori's education method for childhood learning was launched in the early 1900s by Maria Montessori. It calls for free activity within a "prepared environment", meaning an educational environment tailored to basic human characteristics, to the specific characteristics of children at different ages, and to the individual personalities of each child. The function of the environment is to help and allow the child to develop independence in all areas according to his or her inner psychological directives. In addition to offering access to the Montessori materials appropriate to the age of the children, the environment should exhibit the following characteristics:
Topics: dementia care, The Family Caregiver, Senior Care Professionals, Memory Care, activities, eldercare, Montessori, resident engagement