The United States is currently facing a severe shortage of healthcare workers who are equipped and prepared to care for the aging population. This shortage is only expected to increase in the coming years, which will ultimately put a tremendous burden on the healthcare service delivery system. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging, approximately 40 million people in the U.S. were aged 65 or older in 2009, and this number is expected to reach at least 72 million by 2030. The majority of healthcare services are focused on older adults, making it crucial to have a sufficient elder care workforce.
One approach to addressing this shortage is to encourage college students to choose careers in elder care. However, there are several barriers in place that make this a challenging goal. Social phenomena such as ageism, lack of awareness of the need for workers, and a general lack of interest in and contact with older adults have been identified as factors that steer students away from working with seniors.
So, how can we motivate students to enter the elder care workforce? One promising solution is service learning.
This educational approach involves combining classroom instruction with community service projects that enrich students' learning experiences and promote civic engagement. Service learning has been shown to positively impact students' career choices and improve their attitudes towards working with older adults.