Poll says Experiential Training Most Effective for Aging Services

What Type of Training Most Supports Skill Building?

The team here at AGE-u-cate recently ran a poll on this very question. Of the following options, including online learning, experiential training, peer-to-peer mentoring, and "other". The clear winner was experiential training, coming in at 77%, followed by peer-to-peer mentoring at 23%. 

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What Does Empathy Look Like?

We are talking a lot about empathy lately.  I see many posts, blogs and articles on the subject because so many feel that it is severely lacking in this current time.  Social psychologists are having a field day dissecting what has gone so wrong, and why.  

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Empathy:  The Lubricant of Change

Describing empathy as a lubricant creates visuals in my head like the annoying squeaky door hinge that finally gets some W-D40.  A lubricant softens rough edges, makes things work better, and a little bit goes a long way.  I think the same is true when we approach situations that we encounter in work and life from a place of empathy.  

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How Does it Feel to Have Dementia?

I have experienced moments of confusion, like being on a business trip and waking up in an unfamiliar place and needing a moment to orient myself.  One time (or possibly more than once), I forgot where I parked my car at a large shopping mall.  With so many entrances to choose from, I could not remember which one I walked through to enter the mall.  Just a few weeks ago, I went through half of a day believing it was Thursday, and it was Wednesday- an entire HALF DAY!  

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