Kathy Dreyer penned a terrific post last week about Long Term Care Certified Nursing Assistants and turnover. This issue has been identified as a crisis. I submit that it is also a tragedy, because, we have ignored the problem with the lack of a national strategy.
Certified Nursing Assistants are the backbone of care in long term care. They provide care for those that nobody else can, or will.
Our nation's 1.3 million nursing home residents depend on C.N.As 365 days of the year for personal care of all types and levels. This is not an easy job. But those that continue to do this work know that it is also soul-filling and rewarding. But, what else makes some stick with it?
A 2009 study found that an organizational culture that respects and invests in their workers inspires retention. To that end, I submit that Certified Nursing Assistants in Long Term Care do not receive the recognition they deserve.
Nationally, nothing has been done to advance the vocation. Additionally, at the state level, dismal Medicaid reimbursement has a disastrous effect on wages. Consequently, all we can directly control is our organizational culture.
If we truly value our seniors, we should vigorously value the people who are taking care of them, day in and day out. An article in Provider Magazine speaks to the importance of respecting certified nursing assistants as individuals to retention.
Ponder whether your organizational culture truly respects not just the work, but the personhood of your Certified Nursing Assistants. In doing so, you may realize improved retention, the antidote to turnover.