Brain Sparks and the ABC of Compassionate Communication is the result of her many years of working and playing with people of all ages, many of whom needed more compassion in their lives as well as an empathetic ear.
In the ABC of Compassionate Communication you will learn:
We communicate every day. Sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in frighteningly revealing ways, mostly in different ways in between. Often we are misunderstood, or we interpret the messages incorrectly. Becoming aware of how, through understanding, we can send and receive those message with compassion will make not only the lives of those we love and care for better but ours too.
Through this easy-to-read book, which uses the letters of the alphabet to describe steps to compassionate communication, you will receive twenty-six facets of compassionate and their relationship to improved communication compiled in a way that you will have not seen before. Each facet gives you the chance to delve deeper with tips and ideas that you can try for yourself.
In the ABC of Compassionate Communication, Sue starts by asking our aware are you, firstly of your own self? Self-awareness helps us find our strengths and allows us to work out where we need to improve. Self-reflecting on situations can show us where we match up to our expectations and values.
Sue points out that working on your self-awareness brings benefits not only to you but to those around you. Thinking about how you reacted with others brings awareness to your connections with others and ultimately makes you happier.
The book is full of compassionate communication tips that will serve anyone, especially those who care for persons living with dementia. This book may be ordered through the Brain Sparks website.
Pam Brandon is President and Founder of AGE-u-cate® Training Institute and a passionate Advocate for older adults and those who serve them. She is the Creator of Dementia Live® Sensitivity Awareness Program, helping caregivers worldwide to better understand and communicate with persons living with dementia.
Sue Silcox is Australia's AGE-u-cate® Lead Trainer and may be reached at